Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend Pass

I just got back from the beach a little while ago, and good Lord am I exhausted. Sometimes I forget that I am, in fact, 23 years old, and I attempt to act the way I did when I was a sophomore in college; those nights tend to get ugly. I did have a great time though, and I got to catch up with some friends that I don't hang out with all the time, so, overall, the weekend was a huge success.

Friday night we went to a fabulous dinner at Louisiana Lagniappe and afterwards out at Baytown. It was Bailey's 24th birthday, so we definitely made sure to celebrate in style. I'm pretty sure we ordered just about one of everything on the menu at Lagniappe, we kept our waiter constantly running back and forth to the kitchen ("Why is it so hot in here?", more hollandaise!, another glass of pinot noir, "I think we'd like dessert", etc...), and I'm sure he (and the few patrons we hadn't managed to run off) were glad to see us go. We had a fabulous time at Baytown, but the highlight of the night had to be the exciting taxi ride home. Not only was the taxi practically an acid trip on wheels (mosiacs painted on the doors, strings of lights inside, no air conditioning...), but the driver was a character in his own right. I don't think I have ever taken so many pictures in one location as we took on that 20 minute ride home. We danced (and screamed at the top of our lungs) to everything from "Glamorous" to "Love Shack" to "Come on Ride the Train." Our hair blew everywhere. Bailey fell in love with the driver. Kate sat on an awkward chair in between the front and backseat. We laughed A LOT. We were idiots. It was amazing...

Needless to say, we did not feel quite up to par Saturday. In fact, I woke up wishing it would be raining when I opened the curtains so that I would have an excuse to stay in bed all day without feeling guilty. No such luck. Bailey and I (after a lunch of thick, alcohol-soaking break) sat on the beach under an umbrella all afternoon before it was time to get ready for Ian and Lindsay's wedding. The wedding was really pretty, the reception was great (good food... one of my main concerns at all functions) and the company was even better. Bailey and I also managed to make it to one store before it closed and were able to do a little damage to our credit cards. (I, for one, didn't want the credit card company to be alarmed when there hadn't been any activity on my card in, oh, four hours... I'm very considerate, you know.)

Today was spent driving home and packing to leave for my grandmother's house tomorrow. I could not be more worn out, but it was definitely worth it. All in all, a great weekend that I will, undoubtedly, relive for a long, long time (to the annoyance and dismay of anyone who wasn't there and will have no clue as to what I am talking about...). Oh, well...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Story of a Violin

So, the coolest of all cool things happened today... I went to Louisville to get my violin!! I know... you were expecting more, right?? Sorry to disappoint... if you know me well, you know my interests often lie in offbeat places. Anyway, I went to get it today, and I start lessons after the 4th of July. I could not be more excited!! I played around with it some this afternoon, and, call me crazy, but I think I may have taught myself the first 8 notes of.... "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." I'm pretty, er..., positive I'm a virtuoso in the making...
In other news, I'm leaving sinfully tomorrow morning to go to a wedding at the beach. I cannot wait to get there! A good number of my friends from high school are going (which could be dangerous if you know the group...), and I'm really excited about a weekend away. Considering that I am practically Casper I am so pale, I'm sure I will return a deep shade of, well, crimson, but what in the world is new about that??
I'm kind of getting into this whole blogging thing. I was a little skeptical at first, but I'm slowly but surely being converted. They say (one day I hope to meet this illustrious "they") that doing something six times makes it a habit, so I'm halfway to being a habitual blogger. I've always been a huge journal writer, and I am having a hard time giving up my pen-to-paper mentality, but this is so much quicker... and it has the added perks of unlimited font changes and easy-to-add-in pictures. Who doesn't love that??? Okay... I give up. Consider me a convert...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thank You and Good Night

I have freakin' fabulous friends. (Sweet alliteration, huh?) I mean, sometimes I am simply amazed by the sheer awesomeness of these people.

I must admit, there are certain things missing from my life that I wish I had. For example, I wish I could open my closet in the morning and find a humongous wad of cash just waiting there for me to dive into; I wish I wore a size six; I wish I never had to shave my legs again; I wish my life had a soundtrack, with a signature song that played everytime I entered a crowded room. We all can dream, right?? One thing that is not missing from my life, however, is a multitude of people who awe and amaze me every SINGLE day just by being THEMSELVES.

These people make me laugh so hard Dr. Pepper comes out of my nose; they remind me of just what it is that is really important in this life; they tolerate my hatred of animals, children and sports (in no particular order); they tell me (tactfully, of course...) when my clothes are unflattering or my makeup looks like I'm starring in The Nutcracker; they try to wrestle my phone away from me when I have no business making a call (they are often unsuccessful, but it's the thought that counts); they do not laugh at my jokes when they are not funny.

I love you all so much, and I thank you for everything you bring to my life.

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Question of Priority

Right now, at this very minute, at 11:12PM central standard time on June the 23 of 2008... I am absolutely starving. I'm not talking about feeling a little empty... I'm talking eat-a-horse-hungry. Great. I need to think about something else. Something else.... something else... something else...
Bagel and cream cheese. No... no better.
Chicken salad. Still not working...
Chocolate chip cookies. Pizza. Cheerios. Garden Salsa Sunchips.
Enough. Must persevere.
Eight weeks from today, I will be starting graduate school. Every day I get more and more excited... and, I must admit, a little nervous, too. It's no secret that my freshman year of college was nothing short of disastrous, and what if that happens again??? Julia, Lexie and Lindsey won't be there to rescue me this time...
I'm trying not to focus on the negative, though. I'm currently in the process of rounding up various pieces of furniture from what seems to be every corner of the earth. As it stands, I have a lamp, a bedspread, a kitchen table and chairs, several cooking dishes, silverware and wineglasses. So, if you come to visit me, bring a sleeping bag and pillow as well as something to eat off of and expect to sit on the floor. There will be plenty of posters/pictures on the wall, however, and a number of coffee table books for you to enjoy. It's all about priorities, you know...