Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thank You and Good Night

I have freakin' fabulous friends. (Sweet alliteration, huh?) I mean, sometimes I am simply amazed by the sheer awesomeness of these people.

I must admit, there are certain things missing from my life that I wish I had. For example, I wish I could open my closet in the morning and find a humongous wad of cash just waiting there for me to dive into; I wish I wore a size six; I wish I never had to shave my legs again; I wish my life had a soundtrack, with a signature song that played everytime I entered a crowded room. We all can dream, right?? One thing that is not missing from my life, however, is a multitude of people who awe and amaze me every SINGLE day just by being THEMSELVES.

These people make me laugh so hard Dr. Pepper comes out of my nose; they remind me of just what it is that is really important in this life; they tolerate my hatred of animals, children and sports (in no particular order); they tell me (tactfully, of course...) when my clothes are unflattering or my makeup looks like I'm starring in The Nutcracker; they try to wrestle my phone away from me when I have no business making a call (they are often unsuccessful, but it's the thought that counts); they do not laugh at my jokes when they are not funny.

I love you all so much, and I thank you for everything you bring to my life.

1 comment:

Rebecca McKissack said...

lauren! i feel so special! im on this twice... i love you too!