Happy Birthday, blog! You're one today.
It seems like only yesterday Becca was hassling me about starting a blog, and all of a sudden it's one year later; we've certainly been through a lot together in the last three-sixty-five, huh?
You sure have been a constant friend and confidante for me these months. Cyber space through the blog medium is a funny mix of personal insight and total anonymity, and you've helped me strike a balance between oversharing and keeping too much to myself. You've helped me to reflect on and sift through lots of the stuff in my life this year, and I'm not sure that I would have come through it as...er...gracefully (?) without you.
You've brought new friends into my life and helped me reconnect with some special friends I'd lost touch with, as well. You've also helped me keep in touch with some of my closest friends through new times in their lives, whether it be a move to the south or a brief stint on the other side of the world. Thanks for that, by the way.
You've inspired me to open my eyes to the world differently, and you've given me a platform from which to spew my opinions, some of which I should, admittedly, keep to myself sometimes. In short, I think it's safe to say you've impacted my life in a truly lasting way.
I hope together we've brought one or two laughs to somebody. Maybe we've even made somebody say, "Hmph... I've never thought about it like that." If not, well, there's always next year, right?
Here's to another year with you.
P.S. Readers, I know we (I) took a brief haitus for a few weeks earlier in the summer. However, I think I'm officially back, and I hope you're still with me. Are you guys still out there??