Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Alphabet Soup

So, today is Becca's birthday, and, for such a special occasion, I had to do something special. I saw this on someone's blog not long ago, and I thought it the perfect tribute for a friend (and a teacher) like Becca.
The ABCs of our friendship, if you will.
Get it...? ABC... teacher...
Anyway. Here goes.

ANTHROPOLOGIE. Anxiety (sometimes Becca gets a little, shall we say, worked up). Adolescence (tough, but we survived). Awkward legs (sometimes she does this weird thing in pictures). Anniversary trip.
Babysitting. Benetton luggage (ugh...). Black hair. BeesTees (these weird outfits we all used to wear, but Becca sticks out in my memory as wearing them more frequently than everyone else). Beach. Blogs. Bathroom (she practically lives in there). Buyers remorse. Braces (we both endured a mouth full of metal). Blackberry. Bartender friends. Bourbon Street. Becca Cash.

Cats. Cheeseburgers. Chinatown. Cocktails. Chicago. Coat of Many Colors. "Crowbars up." Can't Hardly Wait. C-town. Connolly's, NYC. Cats: The Musical.

Direct flights (this is a big thing with Becca). Driving home from NOLA (worst ride ever). David Furman. Dennys in Memphis, New Year's 2006. "Day, give me a five!"

Eating (we like it). Elementary school children (she loves them). Emails. Elmo gloves. Ebay (Becca doesn't have the best luck...).

Friends since 3rd grade. FloraBama (Becca's favorite place on the planet). Football weekends. Forwards (Becca is the queen of forwarding emails). Father of the Bride. Function better as a team. FACEBOOK. Flirting with 40. Fake nails (but not anymore!).

Going to college. Growing up. Guys (we occasionally mention them). Gap girls. Glasses. Gadgets (Becca covets them). Gorgeous (she seriously is). Getting arrested (almost) in Paris.

Heritage Academy (breeding ground for our friendship and so many of our memories). Hi-lites. Headgear.

Infiniti. International trip (we're going to do it...). "I'll never wear JNCO." Irish pubs. Inappropriate laughter (especially in airports). "It's tricky to rock around...". "I hate each and every one of you."

Jackson. Josie Grossie. J.Crew swimsuits. Junior High Dance Team.

Kids. Ketchup on dress (and dipping french fries into it...).

LAUGH. Layovers (Becca hates them). Legally Blonde. Luggage debacle, NYC. Lip color (Becca always has something new to try). Little man in the radiator. Laura Britt. LAI Social Club. Loud, loud laugh (just in case you missed it the first time--seriously, we're loud separately, but together... whoa).
Movies. Mennonite baked goods. Miss McKissack. Misadventures of a Newlywed (Becca's obsessed). Music (Becca loves it, even though she never knows who sings anything). Mississippi State University. Making new friends in other cities (isn't hard at all). Monkeys.

New York. New Orleans. Never Been Kissed. Nicknames. Nose like MJ??

Oscar--creative writer/marketing executive. Olive (may she RIP). One Mississippi, Two Mississippi. Overserved (it happens).

Paul & Rory. Perfume (we've both been known to go a squirt overboard). Planning trips. Positively 2009. "Put your purse down; we're not going to the monuments." Pictures (we take a lot). Parties.

Questionable decisions (we've both made a few). Quite a loud laugh.

Rockettes. Red wine. Ray Bans (that goes along with the Ebay misfortune mentioned above). Ranch dressing (Becca's favorite condiment).

Self-Esteem (in junior high, we had none). Smith Lake. Sonora. STORIES. Sleep (neither of us get much these days). Shopping. Sushi (Becca pushed me until I gave in). Searching for celebrities (Becca's hidden obsession).

Traveling. "Three for $10.00." Time (Becca is obsessed with being places on time, and she always thinks we're going to be late). Tooth-brushing (another obsession). Truly tiny table, NYC. Tiny bladder. Teacher and lover of children. Table (sitting alone with Tori thinking everyone hated us).

Unbelievable memories. Unique laugh.

Visits (a new but fun aspect of our friendship). Vodka-waters.

Wine. Washington, D.C. Wearing songs or cds out. Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken. Wrong words (Becca can never quite get the words to songs right). White teeth. Weddings (the source of lots of our visits these days). Wallet "stolen in NOLA. Weird hands during turns.

X-mas cards (fun to laugh at in airports and take, as well).

Yearbook staff. Yurman.

Zero fights in 17 years. Zits (yet another terrible aspect of puberty we managed to survive). Zillions of reasons I could never get rid of you!!!

Happy Birthday, Bec! Love you and hope you've had the greatest 24th!!


Day said...


Anonymous said...

That was so good Spring! Y'all both have incredible laughs that are infectious!

Lindsey and Jason Nicholson said...

i'll be expecting one of these come dec. 11th-no pressure!
jk-this is too cute!!!

Rebecca McKissack said...

since it didnt work the first time.... i love it!! im sorry its so late to comment, but you have heard my reasons. this is great... i literally lol'd. such a wonderful friend and im so happy you did this for my bday. love you bunches cant wait for football season and CHICARGO! love you, had fun this weekend!!!!!