Sunday, August 30, 2009

Change of Heart

So, I had a whole plan mapped out in my head on this fun blog I was going to do after returning from a much-needed, relaxing weekend in Jackson visiting with some of my favorites. Now that I sit down to write it, however, I feel led go in another direction.
Now, mind you, I did have an absolutely incredible weekend. I was able to see some truly fun people, have some great talks, eat lots of amazing food, make a few new purchases, and have a much-needed escape from Starkville. In addition, I left town with almost all of my work for this week already done, so I was able to keep my books closed all weekend, guilt free (something which I almost never get to do).
But, like I said, I feel pulled to write about one aspect of the weekend in particular. Becca, Kari Ann, and I went to church this morning, and I can't get the service out of my head. (I don't mean that like it sounds; I just mean that clearly God is trying to tell me something, for it hasn't left my mind since I left the church this morning.)
The sermon this morning was about our body being God's temple, and that they are not ours, but His. We are to take care of them and preserve them, for they are not our own. This was not a totally new concept for me, but I think it was certainly something I needed desperately to hear. The pastor's ultimate message was that happiness begins with healthiness, and healthiness begins with Jesus.
What could be more true?
He talked about abusing our bodies with promiscuity, overeating, undereating, drugs (both illegal and legal), tobacco, and alcohol. I think it would be safe to say that almost everyone in that audience either does or has struggled with at least one of those vices at some point in their lives, but it was like God was tapping me on the shoulder and saying,
"Hey, Lauren Springer... I hope you're listening to this because you know it's for you."
Please allow me to speak candidly.
I have body issues. Long standing, deep rooted, insecurities and neuroses about my physical appearance. I don't wear these on my sleeve or talk about them all the time, but they are always there. I can't remember a time when I was without them, and I struggle with these constantly.
However, I continue to treat my body like a garbage can. I trash this temple every single day, and I only just today realized that to be a blatantly disrespectful act toward God. The sermon this morning gave me a whole new perspective on taking better care of myself and my body, not for my own glory but for His.
I don't fall victim to all of the poisons I mentioned above by any means, but I treat my body badly enough with the toxins I do indulge in. I spent the better part of the church service with tears welled up in my eyes and occasionally spilling down my cheeks, and I'm pretty sure that, had I been alone, I would have probably sobbed out loud.
I am by no means saying that I will never eat another pizza or drink another bottle of wine, but I am praying for self control and a change in my way of thinking; this is not just for me anymore, it's for Him. I pray tonight that God will help me to restore His temple for my healt and, ultimately, His glory.
Any prayers you sent my way would be cherished, and, as always...
thanks for listening.


Rebecca McKissack said...

im here for ya! i totally understand... it was like God was saving that one just for us :)

Courtney McShan said...

Read Psalm 139 my sweet friend! "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well....Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.". You are beautiful my friend!

Rachel Buckley said...

that was awesome!

Alicia said...

Thank you for this! I think we can all relate!