Friday, August 21, 2009

Down Into My Thoughts

I saw this on a friend's blog and thought it was definitely worthy of repeating...

Finish these sentences...
Maybe I reading some of my seven chapters assigned for reading the first week of classes.
My ex is...nonexistant.
I love...that I am sticking with my decision.
People would say that I am...obsessed with all of my hobbies.
I don't people ever get bored.
When I wake up in the morning...I feel like I've been run over by a mack truck.
I have lost...two jigsaw puzzles that I swear I had in May.
Life is full and downs; the earlier people learn that, the better off they'll be.
My past has taught me...that I can plan all I want to, but, ultimately, it's always up to God.
I get annoyed...when my neighbor plays MGMT at 3:47 AM.
Parties are...often just as much fun to plan as they are to attend.
I wish...I had a place to plant a garden.
Dogs...are growing on me.
Cats...are vile, hateful creatures. (Sorry, Bec.)
Tomorrow is...Suzy's engagement party, and I'm excited to see the C-town crew.
I have a low tolerance for...people who don't seem to understand how to use their blinkers.
If I had a million dollars...I would pack my bags tomorrow and travel until the money ran out.
I am terrified...of the direction in which our country seems to be heading.
I've come to realize that my last kiss...was probably not the smartest thing I've ever done.
I am listening to...the Walk the Line soundtrack.
I myself a lot.
My friends...are what I miss most about college.
My first real kiss...wasn't what I expected.
Love is...forever.
Marriage is...about so much more than a big, fancy wedding.
Somewhere, someone is thinking...the same things as me.
I'll always...carry a book with me.
The last time I really cried...was a really scary time for me.
My cell phone is...something I sometimes wish I could turn off or leave behind.
Before I go to bed...I have to read at least one chapter.
Right now I am thinking about...what sometimes possesses me to do the things I do.
Babies...seem to be everywhere right now.
Today really looking forward to football season.
I really want to...learn to cook, but my smoke alarm keeps prohibiting that from happening.

Happy Friday, everyone; have a great weekend! =)


Rachel Buckley said... totally gonna steal that.

I really wish...we could hang out.


Anonymous said...

SPRING!! I miss you! JD and I are headed that way to go to some games. I am meating you.. I will not take no for an answer. K? Good.
Now to copy and paste your post =)