Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Vent

Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen.  I've got a bone to pick and a rant to rave. 
I am an educated, capable, intelligent, responsible student.  I am an adult.  I don't miss class.  I don't hand in assignments late.  I take pride in my role as a graduate student.  I work hard, and I am trying to better myself through my education.
There are plenty of days when I don't want to go to class.  It is never fun to read chapter after chapter, article after article--bleeding hi-liters dry and killing whole forests one pack of Post-It notes at a time.  I loathe group meetings with every fiber of my being.
However, I do it, and I try my dead-level best to do it well, because right now it is my job, and, ultimately, I volunteered to be here.
All of that said, though, there are certain things I expect in return for my hard work.
I respect my teachers and professors because they are my educators.  They are my superiors, my seniors, and my elders.  They will soon be my colleagues.  I respect them until I have a reason not to, and I expect the same courtesy from them. 
Do not waste my time.  If you don't have a lesson prepared for class, don't just come up with some bogus, worthless assignment to fill the time.  This is not second grade.  We can see through you.  We have lives and jobs and families, and it is disrespectful of you to assume my time is worth so little.  I prepare for class like you ask me to; is it too much for me to expect you to do the same?
Explain yourself.  I cannot read your mind, and I do not know what you expect from me unless you tell me. 
I am like a sponge desperate to soak up the experience and the wisdom I assume you hold.  Don't take that appreciation for granted and think you can just wing it or something.  My education is a big deal for me; you being so blase about it only serves to harden me against you.
Listen to me.  I'm asking you questions because I respect you, and I trust the answers you will give me.  Demeaning me or paying little attention to what I've asked is a sure-fire guarantee that I will be seeking information elsewhere in the future.
Finally, please do not assume that because I am young and inexperienced that I am ignorant.  I believe that each generation has much to learn from the generations both before and after theirs; perhaps if you would give me a chance I might bring just the new perspective you've been looking for.  No one has proclaimed me an expert on anything, and I don't have an alphabet of letters behind my name, but I might still prove useful.
I have wonderful professors and educators, and I am beyond blessed with the people God has brought into my life over the past two years.  Sometimes, some days, though, are just too much to endure without opening up a vent.    


Lindsey and Jason Nicholson said...

we love you and are soooooo proud of you!!! keep up the hard work!!!!! it will all be over soon:)

Martha said...

Girl, you read my mind and verbalized it much more eloquently than I ever could. If you ever want to vent in real life, let's meet for lunch!

corbin. said...

i really like your blog, it was in the notable blog section and ever since i can't stop reading it. you seem like a really genuine person.

it would be awesome if you could check out mine too :)