Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Here Am I

Warning: What follows is the first post of what will probably be an increasing trend. In the last 10 days, I have become obsessed with my field of study, and I have started applying things I'm learning about to everything I see. Yes, I'm aware that it is beyond nerdy.
In my School Counseling Services class tonight, we had to write what is known as an "I Am" poem. We were given a template of thoughts to complete, and we were able to learn a great deal about ourselves and each other just from reading this short poem. I thought it was the coolest thing, so I thought I would share mine with you.

I am a bookworm who can't wait to fall in love
I wonder how the Postal Service gets the mail sorted so quickly
I hear the soundtrack of my life as I walk down the sidewalk
I see photographs of myself in exotic locations
I want to experience a "movie moment"
I am a bookworm who can't wait to fall in love

I pretend that I am starring in a Broadway musical
I feel ecstatic when I am in the presence of my best friends
I touch freedom when the wind blows my hair
I worry that I will never find what I'm looking for
I cry at weddings because I miss my dad
I am a bookworm who can't wait to fall in love

I understand answers to prayer don't always materialize immediately
I say that God won't give me anything I can't handle
I dream of the future
I try not to be so hard on myself
I hope the people I love know how much they mean to me
I am a bookworm who can't wait to fall in love


Rebecca McKissack said...

thats perfect! its so you!!! good for you for loving your study...i am procrastinating writting one lesson. ONE! oh well...

Haley said...

That's really cool. What are you studying?