Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hey Jealousy

My friends get to do the coolest things.
I mean, seriously, they go on some really cool adventures in this thing called life.
For example, Day headed out yesterday for a five month adventure in... where was it again? Oh, yeah... Germany. Before she arrives in Germany, however, she'll have to stop over and do a little orientation in old Paree. Some people just can't catch a break, huh?
But seriously, this trip Day is going on is going to be so amazing. She's going to get to become thoroughly absorbed in the German culture; she knows enough of the language to somewhat blend in; she's going to be there for long enough that she can travel to some other countries and learn so much about Europe. (I fully intend to live vicariously through her; I've told her to document every step she takes.) Best of all, the reason she's going is to spread the word of God, which is the most awesome reason of all. I cannot wait to hear all that the Lord shows her during her time there.
Becca is in the process of striking out on her own little adventure, as well. Although she won't need a passport for this one, it's still pretty great. She's moving to Jackson and setting up residence in a great house with some really fun girls. Although she doesn't know how she's going to pay the bills yet (I'm really hoping that job at the Gap comes through so I can mooch off that employee discount a time or two...), she's still making a change and doing something different, which is always really awesome in itself.
I can admit that I am jealous of each of these ladies on each of these journeys. I cannot even begin to imagine the amazing things that are going to be told to them, shown to them, seen and heard by them and, most of all, experienced by them as they begin these new phases of their lives, whether short or semi-permanent. I know I will do a lot of vicarious living through pictures, phone calls and emails as I sit in class or at the library, trying desperately to make headway through mounds of new information.
I could not be more excited for them and proud of all that they are doing, taking on something new and embracing change with open arms, whether it be two hours away or halfway around the world.
Furthering the cool factor among my friends is the cross-country road trip that Frances and Patsy are about to embark on. Of this I am truly green with envy, as it is something I have wanted to do my entire life, and I fall asleep at night sometimes wishing I had the freedom from attachments and obligations to be able to do it. They're just getting in the car and driving and seeing where the road (or the lenses of their Nikons) lead them. I cannot wait to hear the amazing stories they are going to have upon their return, not to even mention the fabulous pictures I know they'll have to show off.
See, I told you my friends do some pretty cool things.
And the greatest thing about it is that I know I have some pretty great adventures coming my way, too. Thankfully, I've got people to keep me endlessly entertained in the meantime.


Rebecca McKissack said...

laurenspringer! i like that im included in your blog. im glad you enjoyed my post. i expect a visit from you! and talk about jealous....i wanna go to germany....

Day said...

LAUR!!! i just got to read your blog. I love and miss you so much!!!