Thursday, January 22, 2009

Play a Simple Song

Right now at violin I'm learning to play Minuet in G. It is also affectionately referred to as A Lover's Concerto, but I prefer the title Bach rightfully gave it.
Call me old-fashioned.
Everytime I'm practicing it or my teacher and I play it together, there is one thing and one thing only that pops into my mind: the episode of Saved by the Bell where "the gang" is playing this song in band. When the teacher is in the room, they play it all slow and off-key, but when he leaves they get all jazzy and start having a great time.
Of course, as in typical Saved by the Bell fashion, the whole "gang" is in the band, and the only other people in the class are people we've never seen before, and we'll probably never see again. Without Slater, Jesse, Zack, Screech, Lisa, and Kelly, the band, like the cheerleading squad, drama club, glee club, track team, football team, student council, volleyball team, homecoming court, school store, and every other student activity at Bayside, would not be able to sustain activity. During this short, five minute scene, Jesse battles some unfounded neuroses; Zack reminds everyone that he's the lovable troublemaker; Slater (wearing a tank top/muscle shirt, of course) makes some wise crack at which no one laughes but himself; Kelly starts a sentence with "Oh, Zack" and follows it with something senseless; Lisa... well, Lisa does nothing, like always; and, Screech holds onto the position of village idiot.
If you don't have any idea which episode I'm talking about (because let's be honest, they're all pretty similar), rest easy. I found a posting of the whole episode, and the specific part I'm talking about starts at 4:21.
And yes, this is, in fact, the most random post ever.


Rebecca McKissack said...

that is so true. bayside high would have collapsed without zack, kelly, slater, screech, lisa, and jessie.

Meaghan said...

Glad you found us! I want Mary Reeves to play the violin so bad!!

TheEatons said...

So the next time your in Jackson please call me I have a few Saved by the Bell seasons on DVD and Ryan refuses to watch them with me :)