Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hit the Road

Seeing as I will be picking up Day in less than 5 hours to start our great American adventure of a road trip to Charleston, I should undoubtedly be catching some zzzzzzzzz.

I, however, am burning cds (yes, cds still exist... you can find them next to VHS tapes, casette tapes, and other such archaic tools) and blabbering blogging.
I'm too excited to sleep, though.
I can't wait to get there.  I'm excited about seeing tons of these...

and even more of these...

and I am super excited about eating lots of this...

Good tunes, good place, good food, good friend... does it get any better??

I know, I know...we're not quite Thelma and Louise (seeing as, among other things, we're not driving a convertible, we're not planning to shoot anyone, and we're going to refrain from driving any sort of vehicle off a cliff), but, really, when you think of two ladies on a road trip, who else comes to mind??