Friday, December 31, 2010

This Time Last Year

Sitting on the cusp of 2010 this time last year, I wasn't sure what to expect.  I didn't know what the new year would bring, but I had high hopes and several goals I hoped to accomplish.  10, to be exact.
They were the following, in no particular order:
1.  Get back to church
          While I did a little better, I wasn't satisfied with myself on this one.
2.  Lose some weight
          School kept my schedule totally insane.  I couldn't find a good time to get to the gym.  I totally ran out of time to cook and couldn't get things together.  I was just so tired.  I can make every excuse in the book on this one, but, when it comes down to it, I don't have an excuse.  It just didn't happen.
3.  Get a haircut
          Done!  And Locks of Love is 14" the better, I hope.
4.  Kiss someone special
          Someone special?  Nope... not even a peck.  Next question.
5.  Save some moolah
          After paying my recent Visa bill, I have realized just how badly I did on this one, too.  (I'm starting to wonder why I even made this list...)
6.  Reconnect with distant friendships
          This one I feel like I actually did better on.  I have caught up with friends I had somewhat lost close touch with, and I feel like I'm not so out of the loop with some of my close friends.  As always, though, this one is a work in progress, for I think I can always be a better friend.
7.  Experiment with cooking
          Does corn dip or boxed cupcakes count?  I still dream of culinary success, but I'm certainly not anywhere close.
8.  Finally do my (high school) senior scrapbook
          Bought the supplies.  Got the pictures copied.  Separated everything into monthly folders.  Haven't opened the bag since.
9.  Take a photoshop class
          Um... no, again.
10.  Travel to a new place
          Yes! This one I totally did!  Dallas and Charleston, too!  Whew, I was starting to feel like I hadn't accomplished anything I wanted to.

Although I may not have fulfilled even half every goal that I set for myself for this year, I still feel okay.  It may or may not come as a surprise to you that, at this the year's end, my self-esteem is not at an all-time high.  I've taken steps to get back on track, but I've definitely had times over the past year that I've been pretty down.  I'm hopeful about what the new year has in store, though, and I know God has amazing things planned for me.
Even though I may not feel totally confident in myself right now, I'm trying to start the year off on a positive note.  There are definitely parts of me that need work, but there are things about myself that make me happy, too.  Will you allow me to indulge in a totally cheesy moment?  I hope so.
10 Things I loved in 2010 (About me, that is!):
10.  My creative spirit:  I read, I write, I blog, I garden, I play music, I appreciate art.  I'm no Pablo Picasso, mind you, but I can channel Martha Stewart sometimes and get carried away with my crafty creativity.
9.  My being a good friend:  As I said above, this is an area that I believe can always use more work, but, overall, I try hard to be a good friend.  I try to listen, encourage, remember special days, and be the sort of friend I would like to have.  I'm not perfect by any means, but I try to make an effort.
8.  My honesty:  In particular with myself.  It's tough to be honest with yourself, and it hurts sometimes.  It's also hard to say things to people you love that you know will hurt them but have to be said anyway.
7.  My sense of humor:  I think we all know I think I'm hilarious.  I mean, duh.  Every once in a while, I get a laugh out of somebody else, too.  Making other people laugh makes me really happy, and, without a sense of humor, some days would just be too heavy to bear.
6.  My brain:  I am a dork to the core.  I love learning.  I like board games.  I like history and trivia and little-known facts.  I just chose to read a book of historical fiction about ancient Rome, for Heaven's sake.  I like my brain, though, and I thank God for giving me a true thirst for knowledge.
5.  My leadership:  I try to step forward when a leader is needed, and I have re-learned over these past few months how to work hard to accomplish a goal.  Every team needs a leader, and, while I don't want to/have to be the leader every time, I am comfortable stepping up when I need to.
4.  My strength:  Before my mom's surgery and even more after it, I don't think I could have kept my wits about me without an inner strength that surely came straight from God.  With His help, I was able to withstand things I never imagined I could sustain.
3.  My perspective:  I've learned the true meaning of this word.  It's all about where you're coming from.  For me, I work as hard as I can while I'm at work, and that's all I can do.  I try to leave work at work, and I have realized how important it is to keep things in check.  There is always someone worse-off than me, and lives can change in an instant.
2.  My faith:  Without faith, I don't really have much of anything.  Although I have turned to prayer time and time again over the past year, my faith was really tested during the complications after my mom's surger last summer.  If I hadn't had a place to turn, I would probably have lost my mind.
1.  My hard work:  Working hard isn't always fun, and it isn't always rewarding, but (most of the time) I do it anyway.  That's how I was raised, and, in the end, it usually pays off.  I had a tough schedule last spring, and I've worked super hard this fall in my internship.  There were often days I would rather have done almost anything else, but I knew I had things I had to do, and I wanted to do them well.
Please don't think I'm trying to toot my own horn with anything I've written.  As I said above, my self-esteem is a little deflated at the moment, and I just needed to take a look at myself in a positive light before I started off the new year in a place I didn't really want to be.  I hope you've all had a wonderful holiday, and I wish you all the very best in 2011.

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