Thursday, November 5, 2009

Beauty of the Sea

Bdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdb.........(drumroll. duh.)
Here they are...
Beach pictures.
If you can't tell by the week-long hype, I'm pretty proud of these.  To tell the truth, I'm just glad to have concrete proof of how beatiful my time at the beach was.  I've been to the beach more times than I can count in my life, this same beach, in fact.
Never have I ever seen it look like this.
While this is a chunk of pictures, the majority are on Facebook, so please check them out there.  In the meantime, sit back and relax... smell the salt in the breeze and hear the waves crash on the sand.
It's gooby, I know... but just go with it.


Rebecca McKissack said...

LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paige Daughery said...

Lauren, these pictures are awesome. you are so talented!!!

You are going to need a few whole days alone with your camera when you come visit me in Charleston. "Tentatively" March 17!!


Rachel Buckley said...

love the pics! My fav is the 12th from the bottom--yes, I took the time to count.