Sunday, November 15, 2009

Under Pressure

Y'all, I am freaking out.
It's the point in the semester where I have a whole helluva lot seemingly insurmountable mountain of schoolwork to finish and only two-and-a-half short weeks to do it in.
Yikes... bikes.
I have papers to write, presentations to prepare, books to read, interviews to conduct, research to do, and proposals to compile.  Not to mention my regularly scheduled assigned readings and quizzes added to working and going to class.  All you people who are still in school kinow what I'm saying, right?  It's multi-tasking and time management to the max, sacrificing sleep and running around like a madwoman.  It's ugly, I tell you.  Ugly.
Yep, this is the point where I officially start to lose it. 
(Yet, here I sit spinning my wheels blogging like I've got all the time in the world.  Shocker, right?)
(Not to mention that it's made worse because all I want to do is lay on my couch and watch Christmas movies, taking breaks only to belt out listen to Christmas music.) 
On the flip side, however, two-and-a-half more weeks and the semester will be over!  Let me just pause for a minute and let that marinate.
Two. and. a. half. weeks.
Thank. the. Lord.
I don't know why, but this semester has been pure torture since week one.  I hate saying that, but it's true.  My classes have been brutal and not some of my favorites, and it's just seemed to be a tough few months.  The weekends have been some of my greatest, but, in looking back, my moods have been on a roller coaster ride since August.  And not a tame, Rock'n'Roller coaster-type coaster, either.  This has been one wild ride.
I know the next few weeks are going to be miserable insane, but I'm looking forward to docking this rollercoaster and having some true life chill time.
In the meantime, keep me in your thoughts and prayers, and give the students in your lives a break.  They'll probably be ill-tempered, unshowered, sleep-deprived, impatient, emotional, eating everything in sight, selfish and getting worse as December looms nearer (or maybe that's just me?).  Know that it will soon pass and they'll be back to their merry, showered, well-rested selves before you can say bah-humbug.  For all my fellow monsters students out there, know that we're all embarking on this the miserable journey known as finals together.
It probably won't be pretty, but we'll make it through.  I'm sure of it.
Meanwhile, I'll leave you with a few pics from another fun weekend.  Even though the action on the field was rather embarrassing, a good time was, as always, had by all.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I remind myself of this daily:

How do you eat an elephant? - one bite at a time

You can do it!