Monday, December 7, 2009

Mad Season

In the week since the conclusion of an amazing football season, I've had time to mull through all of the laughs, funny stories, bad decisions and things that made football season 2009 one of my absolute favorites.  Of course, I can think of no better way than one of my infamous ABC lists to share all the fun with all of y'all.  

Amanda's amazing cookies; "Amanda, are you cooking something or just banging all the pots together?"; "another great weekend"; Anthro; Amanda's attempt at sister's punch; airplane bottles; Anthro flower necklace; all that matters is the Egg Bowl

Becca's family Christmas card freak out; Ben hitting a parked car; bathroom lines; barefoot in the mud; Barrister's; Bin 612; Becca's camera under the wheel of her car; beer

corn dip; City Bagel; crunk; cheering on the Bulldogs; clothes, food, luggage, people, cans, bottles everywhere; chasing tail

"Damien... he's almost too gay to function"; Dixon for Heisman; Dawg Pound Rock; dark nail polish; dragged around by the night route; Dan "the Man" Mullen

eating City Bagel for every meal; Egg Bowl victory

from Dixon with love; fold-out couch; four inches; fighting for our seats; fabulous friends

game day guru

"How early do you think we should get out there?"; "how did my feet get so clean?"

inappropriate texts; "I like it Dawgy style" cowbell; "I don't want to look at engagement rings.  I just want to quote movies and drink beer"; "Is your house on fire, Clark?"


"Keep your eyes on my ba bom ba bom bom"

living for the weekends; live music:  both good and bad; Leon Berrrrrryyyy... Leon Berry; "Lauren Springer's always in an Explorer!"

Mugshots; muddy Junction; millions of pictures; making every minute count; my apartment being destroyed/somthing getting broken every weekend; Mean Girls; maroon blazers

near-fall in the Junction; new black jerseys

Old Venice

possibly best football season ever; people sleeping everywhere

quoting movies

Ridiculo-tron; Ray's stories about his grandmother; record crowds

sister's punch; Springer Inn; sushi martini; sake bombs; Sunday hangover lunch; sleeping on the floor at my own house; seats in the sky; screaming with laughter; scratchy voices; speedwalking from the games; shots; sushi; seeing people we know but not speaking; stadium pics; spending time with so many people I love; scarves; sleeping 'til 1:30 on gameday; scrounging for tickets

the mixing pen; The Strangler; "This is Rebecca... and this is Lindsey"; trip to the hospital; the shorts; trumping football season 2007 (I thought it couldn't be done); "This is for the blog"; Terri's oatmeal cookies; True Maroon; tailgreating; throwing beer bottles (and ashtrays); "That's a paper towel"; towel bar falling a million times

uninvited guests; unexpected surprises from people I didn't think I'd get to see

visitors from all over; Vegas the bulldog

whiskey drinks; washing feet in the toilet; "What's all this lettuce in your truck?"; wardrobe consultations; "Well, you've still got to put your makeup on, right?"; weekend pass from the looney bin; who destroyed my Newsies VHS?; "Wait, when did we see Hope and Don?"; "Wrap that one in maroon and white"; "We've hit a human"; "We couldn't find the remote, but thankfully The Wedding Planner was on"

x-small quarterback, Tiny Ty

yummy, yummy tailgate food

zillions of loads of laundry

Thanks to all who participated for such an amazing season.  The Springer Inn is now accepting reservations for the 2010 season; book early to secure your spot!
It seriously was an amazing few months.  Love y'all.

1 comment:

Rebecca McKissack said...

i am laughing out loud!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!! had a great time too...count me in for 2010 football season :)