Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Coming Home

I'm exhausted.
I just finished cleaning my apartment in preparation for my weekend visitors, and you can practically eat off my kitchen floor. I don't know that I would try it, but I'm just saying...
This weekend is State's Homecoming, and some of my favorite people in the world are arriving in Starkville to celebrate the occasion. I am so, so excited to see all of them, and I am looking forward to the special time I hope to spend with each of them.
I love Homecoming. It's usually right in the middle of football season, so sometimes is actually cool weather (or at least not so hot and humid that your hair puffs up the instant you step out of your front door...). Also, lots of alums come back for this game, so you see lots of people you haven't seen in awhile (a characteristic that seems to increase in value with each post-graduation year...).
In addition to the merriment here in Starkville, Hope's engagement party is Saturday night in Columbus, so I will get to see some of my favorite people there, as well. Our Columbus crew always has such a great time when we get together, not to mention the fact that this will be the first time I've seen Bailey since she started her job in DC. I can't wait to hear of all of her adventures, spreading the love of wine throughout the world...
All in all, it's safe to say that I'm more than excited about the coming days. I've got a little bit of a cold, but I'm pushing through; there's far too much fun to be had to waste time on a cold.
I've included a couple of my favorite pics from Homecomings past...


TheEatons said...

Thanks for your sweet comments about Carter! I can still count the number of times I've watched it this year on both hands...Ryan really thinks I have issues because I love that movie so much. I sure do miss those days all curled up at the Phi Mu house watching well not so much watching but quoting Home Alone. Some of my favorite memories! have a great homecoming weekend!

Rebecca McKissack said...

i think i deserve and ode on your blog. (gah, i cant believe i just told you that....)