Wednesday, October 29, 2008

In Search of the Muse

So, I've been sick for a few days, and while perusing through one of my old journals today, I found a list of random musings I wrote about a year or so ago. Many of my random jottings about life still hold true today, so I though I would share some of those with you tonight...
Dr. Pepper is always best from a can over ice.
I cry at Oprah at least once a week.
Movie quotes can be incorporated into any conversation.
I wish my last name was not so low in the alphabet.
I wear my heart on my sleeve.
Peter Pan has the right idea.
Movie popcorn is always better.
I could live off of cornbread muffins.
I still want a LiteBrite.
Sometimes you just need to sleep 'til noon.
Love should be seen and heard.
Photographs can speak volumes.
I like to pretend that my life has a soundtrack.
Rainy afternoons are made for good books.
Concerts are fun no matter who is playing.
Beer in a bottle really does taste better.
The book is always better than the movie.
Nicknames are always better.
There are few things better than a handwritten note.
Sometimes songs just say it better.
I still believe in Santa.

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