Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Homecoming

What a weekend.
Old friends, new friends, air mattresses, tons of photo ops, movie quotes, mimosas, school spirit, toasts, costume changes...
Just to hit a few highlights.
I have the best friends. You've heard me say it before and, rest assured, you'll hear me say it again. But the fact remains the same. They're amazing. I cannot imagine my life without these people.
This weekend I got to see so many of the people who matter most in my life. Those of you who I wasn't fortunate enough to see this weekend (and you know who you are), know that you were missed. You see, while I treasure every minute spent with each of my favorite friends, it often makes me reflect on how much I miss those who are absent.
It's like a few pieces of the puzzle are missing, so that keeps it from being complete.
As I reflect back over the past 48 hours, I am a little overwhelmed at everyone I saw, everything I talked about, everywhere I went, and how it all seemed to mesh together so effortlessly. To be honest, I'm on a little bit of a sensory overload...
But in a good way.
Between State's Homecoming and Hope's engagement party, I had the best of both my worlds--home and school. Rarely does the world line up so perfectly and come together so neatly.
For the first time in my life, I really understand what the word "homecoming" really means. It's not so much about the place (even though there was a certain electricity flowing through the streets of Starkville this weekend) but much more about the people. The people who made my Mississippi State experience (and I really do believe it's unique for every one of us) what it was. The memories, the laughter, the old pictures, the familiar places and the stories that will never get old.
That's what I believe that homecoming really means.
(Not that I will actually be anywhere but here for at least the next several years. I guess I'll just count on all of you to keep coming home to me?? I'm willing to push the limits of my 750-foot-apartment if y'all are...)
This weekend was just what I needed to give me that final push to last through this next five weeks of school. They're going to be rough, don't get me wrong, but now that I've been refreshed by so many people who care so much about me, I know I can do it.
Love all of you and miss you already.

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