Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just for Laughs

So, yet again... Rachel's post has inspired me. Sorry I keep copying everything you do, Rach! It really is true what they say, though: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!
Anyway, Rachel posted some of her favorite commercials and movie clips, so I followed in her footsteps with a few of my favorite commercials of all time. As I sit at my computer on this rainy night, trying to chip away at the mound of schoolwork I have to complete in the next three weeks, I know I could use a laugh; I thought maybe you could to...
So, here goes. A few of my favorite commercials ever. Enjoy--

1.AMP Energy Walk of No Shame

2. Subway Commercial 1812 Overture

3. T-Mobile Commercial

4. T-Mobile Official Phone of Fun Leave a Message

Hope you got a chuckle out of at least one of those, as every one of them makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. No lie... every time. But, let's be honest, I doubt if many of you are surprised at that, right?


Rebecca McKissack said...

i love the amp energy commercial and the subway one!

Rachel Buckley said...

I looooove those! now, you need some movie clips!

Day said...

you know how i LOOOOOVE those last two. I'm pretty sure we've chatted about them several times...