Thursday, April 23, 2009


So, here's what's on my mind:
Music, particularly rap music, that reinvents a previously released song.
Friend or foe?
Honestly, I really cannot decide which way I'm going to go here.
You know the songs I'm talking about. We're talking catchy tunes like Jay-Z's Hard Knock Life and the current radio submersion Flo Rida's Right Round. These types of songs seem to be everywhere right now, and I am totally riding the fence.
After doing a little research at work this morning, I discovered that these recycled bits of song are apparently called samples. (Perhaps everyone else already knew this?) In addition, it's not just limited to a previously used rhythm, word, or tone; it also transcends to sound effects, spoken words, and even lines from televison or movies.
No way?
So, I got to thinking, is a sample the same thing as a remake?
For example, I consider The Fugees Killing Me Softly to be a remake of Roberta Flack's 1973 hit, which was actually a remake of Lori Lieberman's 1971 recording. However, there is some heated controversy out there, for some call The Fugees version merely a sample of the previous versions.
Confused yet?
Pressing on, then.
After doing a little more research (e.g. Googling my fingers off), I realized that, according to the infinite wisdom of Wikipedia, Google, and the host of other information on the world wide web, almost every modern-day song contains a sample of some other song. It seems everything old really is new again, which means that what we all thought was new isn't new at all. It's just been tossed in the microwave for a minute, spooned onto a new plate, and served up "fresh."
Well, I say call it whatever you like--samples, remakes, even do-overs, if you want--I still don't quite know how I feel about it. I suppose I'll just have to judge these masterpieces on a case-by-case basis.
Oh, let's be honest, most of the time I don't even realize I'm listening to something that's been done before. Sure, I get the link between Queen's Under Pressure and Vanilla Ice's Ice, Ice Baby, but usually the parallels go over my head. I'm probably too busy screaming "OhmygoshIlovethissong" and ratcheting the volume up to ear-splitting decibels.
My mother tells me I'll be deaf when I'm 45. She's probably right, but at least I'm enjoying the music while it lasts.
Another thing I don't really get is Twitter. Oh, yeah, that and backing into parking spaces..., but I'll put those on the shelf for another blog, another day.

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