Friday, April 17, 2009

Working Girl

I don't have but just a second before I scoot out of town to Atlanta for Bailey's bachelorette party, but I had to post a quick CONGRATULATIONS to Becca, one of my lifelong best friends, on getting her first teaching job!! She has worked really hard and waited a long time for this, and I am so excited for her!
Becca is one of those people who was born to be a teacher. She has loved children forever, and she has been everybody's favorite babysitter since we were in junior high. It was completely typical to see a car seat in Becca's car or spot her around town with a gaggle of little people grasping onto her limbs. Becca has told me that she is a different person when she is in the classroom, that it is what she loves to do, and I have no doubt of that being true.
I know she will have tons of great stories rolling in when she starts in August, and I can't wait to hear each and every one of them. I hope those kids realize how lucky they are! Love you so much, Bec, and I'm SO proud of you!!

1 comment:

Rebecca McKissack said...

thanks girl!!!!! ahh! im so excited :)