Friday, September 26, 2008

A Nose in the Book

I finished the most amazing book last night.
Many of you know that I am an avid reader and will devour just about anything that even remotely piques my interest. Lately, however, I have had absolutely zero time for reading outside of class reading. I have been reading The Sound and the Fury since early August, and I'm still only about halfway through it!

Anyway, I was at Wal-Mart Wednesday afternoon (I had delayed the trip as long as I possibly could, but I couldn't put it off any longer...) and was perusing through the book/magazine section, which is always the last thing I do anytime I go to Wal-Mart. I can almost always find something that looks interesting or something I've heard about, and it's almost like my consolation prize for making it through the trip.
"Congratulations, Lauren Springer. You've made it to the finish line without being run over, getting into a fight with an unhelpful sales associate, or simply giving up and going home. Although there's probably several items on your list you were unable to locate in our metal-roofed megastore, we'd like you to go home happy. Please consider this morsel of current fiction our way of saying 'thanks.'"
That being said, I was browsing through the paperbacks and came across Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Of course I've seen the preview for this movie, which comes out in about two weeks; it is played on TV about every 8.6 minutes, how could I have missed it? I did not, however, realize it was a book...
Consider me interested.
I read the short description and, being a firm believer that the book is always better than the movie, I was hooked. It sounded funny; it looked like a quick-read; it was just the sort of mindless unreality that my how-many-articles-can-a-person-read-about-existential-therapy mind was craving.
I brought it home, and, a little more than 24 hours later, I'm finished. I could not have loved it more. Laugh-out-loud funny, sweet, and totally unrealistic---everything I needed it to be. If you're looking for a fun read, I highly recommend it. I won't go into the details of the story, for I know some of you will at least go see the movie, but just know that I highly recommend it. This book is such a great find, and if the movie is half as good, we're all in for a treat.
"Norah looks like the only use she has for the word fun is to make the word funeral."
Seriously, it's hilarious. It's racy, mind you, but it's hilarious.
But, as that guy on Reading Rainbow used to say, you don't have to take my word for it.


Unknown said...

Existential therapy--NEXT week's topic! YAY!! HAHA I know what you mean about the reading! FUN stuff!

Day said...

Reading The Sound and the Fury for pleasure? AH! and I thought I KNEW you! who am I kidding--I should expect nothing less.