Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Personality Crisis

Life is good.
The past forty-eight hours have been pretty great.
Great for different ways but great all the same.
For example, I just heard Coldplay's "Fix You" on the radio, the very song I've been wanting to hear all day. Not a new song, mind you... just a song I love that I'd been wanting to hear for some reason. Also, my devotion tonight spoke directly to things I needed God's help with right this minute, almost like it was tailor-made for me.
See, I told you.
Yesterday started out bright and early at work, which I think I'm going to like. The time went by pretty fast because I had a good many things to do, and I got to study a little bit, too, which is always a nice surprise. Both of my classes were very interesting, and that's saying something for a three-hour-long class.
Last night, however, was really the best part of yesterday, because I got to have some major quality-time with Alex, one of my favorite people in the world. Of course we had hung out some since school started back, but unexpectedly spending time with him last night was really just what I needed.
This morning I went to work again, then studied pretty much from about 1:00 this afternoon until about 10:30 tonight. Sounds horrible, right?
It had its miserable moments, let me assure you.
Overall, though (as I know I've said a thousand times already), I don't mind it.
You know how I am, though... tomorrow I'll be complaining for hours and begging everyone to feel sorry for me.
I apologize in advance.
Tonight, however, I'm going to bed feeling, like I said, pretty great. And there's not many better feelings than that.
In closing, I thought I would share with all of you another one of my activities from class. You're on the edge of your seat, I know...
In my class last night, we took this test to see what "color" we are in terms of our personality. Based on our strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, etc. we determined our "color," which, in turn, determined what type of learner we are and what dominant traits exist in our personality. My teacher, who is a local school counselor for a third and fourth grade school, uses it with her kids to help them learn about themselves and each other, and they also do a unit about what "color" fits certain career choices.
All that to say, here's my "color" and what it says about my personality:
Based on my answers, my personality "color" is gold, which means that I can be described as:
Having a strong work ethic
A list maker
I need to feel... like I belong in a group of friends.
My overall mood is often... concerned.
I trust... authority.
I pride myself on... being dependable.
I value... generosity.
I seek... fairness.
I want to be appreciated for... being accurate or right on target.
When I am disturbed... I complain.
I am searching for... safety/security.
I dislike... when people don't obey.
I feel guilty when... I've been greedy.
I feel rewarded when... someone thanks me for helping them.
I am most comfortable... in a highly structured environment.
Now... although I know some of those are frighteningly accurate, I hope with every fiber of my being that they aren't all true about me because if they are I am, well... the most boring person on earth.
Along with the personality traits, the test gave suggestions as to the best possible careers for each "color," and they were just as entertaining as the description...
Here are a few of my favorites:
Corporate Lawyer
Telephone Operator
Air Traffic Controller
Collection Agent
Statistical Clerk
History Teacher
Post Office Clerk
Budget Analyst
Closet Organizer
School Counselor
Math Teacher
Reunion Planner
Police Officer
And my personal favorite...
Enough said. Check, please.

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