Monday, December 22, 2008

All I Want for Christmas

There are so many wonderful things I love about Christmas.
I know sometimes the holidays can get stressful, with running around buying last minute gifts, visiting various relatives and never having quite enough time to squeeze everybody in, and fighting crowds everywhere you go, but there really is something magical in the air this time of year.
From the moment I first drag out my decorations (which this year was about mid-November; I'm not ashamed to admit it), the spirit of the holiday is alive inside of me. Cheesy, I know, but true, nonetheless.
I love the commercials that come on television during the Christmas season. This year a few of my favorites include: the Pampers commercial where Silent Night is being sung a capella while pictures of sleeping babies are shown; the Wal-Mart commerical with all of the various children jumping out of bed and running downstairs to see what Santa brought; the Alltel Christmas commerical in which the phone guys steal the letters to Santa and attempt to re-write them; and, finally, the Macy's commerical in which some of the major designers (e.g. Jessica Simpson, Martha Stewart, Tommy Hilfiger) talk about the ways that Santa really does exist. That little girl dropping her letter into that giant mailbox gets me every time.
I also love the holiday movies that are constantly coming on television during this season. Everything from White Christmas to Home Alone to How the Grinch Stole Christmas (both cartoon and live action) can be found on some channel at any given point in a day. Movies like Cars and The Incredibles and Harry Potter are also constantly airing on television, and I suppose they relate to Christmas... somehow?? Usually, I find some great original movies on television this time of year, but, sadly, I have been a little disappointed with the offerings this season. However, it is admittedly difficult to top last year's Holiday in Handcuffs starring hunky Mario Lopez, so it's understandable.
I love the music of the holiday season, and I love walking into practically any store in any town and being almost guaranteed to hear some variation of some Christmas song playing. It may be some ghastly punk rendition of a song you sung at your pre-school Christmas program, or it may be one of the classics like Judy Garland's original version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, but you know it's a Christmas tune nevertheless.
One of the things I love most about this season is holiday church services. The music, the decorations, the sheer numbers present in the church and the special messages pastors often deliver make for a very powerful combination. Special choral programs and children's programs are always meaningful and enjoyable, and it really is like there is a giant celebration taking place--a celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ.
I love the Christmas cards, both sending and receiving. I love the Christmas lights, both tacky and tasteful. I love the baking and the shopping and the wrapping. I love reuniting with old friends and laughing over memories of years past. I love the smells and the foods and the parties and the decorations. I love the magic that is encapsulated in all of it.
This year, I asked Santa for one thing and one thing only. I hope that, somewhere amidst all of the presents underneath our Christmas tree, is the Nikon camera I want so badly. I've been dropping not-so-suble hints since November, but haven't really gotten very far... you know I'll keep you posted.

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