Friday, March 13, 2009

A Moment to Myself

I have really enjoyed today. On an obvious level, it is a Friday, and it is also the first day of Spring Break. However, my enjoyment of today far transcends the surface, for I was able to spend today engaging in several of my most cherished activities.
I awoke this morning to the sound of rain falling steadily outside, and, while many people might wish for the sun to break through the clouds or dread getting out of bed, a smile instantly broke across my face. Don't get me wrong, I love a gorgeous, blindingly sunny spring day just as much as the next person, but I have a secret love for rainy days. I don't know what it is about them, but for some reason I just think they're cozy.
I sometimes wish I lived in Washington state or maybe even the rainforest...
So, as I listened to the rain outside, I eagerly looked toward the day. I started off the morning with a visit to the tanning bed, something I am usually not the biggest fan of, but I'm headed to the beach in a week; it's a necessity. While I was there I was confronted with the question: How do I feel about guys who go to the tanning bed? Personally, I'm not really a fan; there's just something weird and unnatural about it, if you ask me. Anyone have any strong thoughts?
After I showered and got dressed, I headed to City Bagel Cafe, my favorite place to eat in Starkville, conveniently located mere yards from my apartment. Of course, I had not one but two books in tow, for I was switching back and forth between school reading and pleasure reading (anything to stay motivated, right?).
I ate lunch and read for awhile, then headed onto campus to the bookstore, one of my favorite places to curl up with a good book. I continued my alternation between school reading and, ahem, not school reading for several hours, enjoying a delicious cup of hot chocolate while I turned the pages. After I left the bookstore, I managed to squeeze in a few photo ops around campus during a lull in the rainfall. (I have this dream of capturing the perfect post-rain picture... something along the lines of droplets of water on the petals of a flower or some such nonsense. I'll know it when I see it...)
Then, I headed to the movie theater to see Last Chance Harvey, which was almost as sweet as the cute undergrad who sold me my ticket. Now I'm back at home, enjoying a glass of wine while the rain continues to fall outside and my leftovers heat up in the microwave. I've rented a few movies, and I'm curled up on the couch under a blanket. I've had the best day with one of my favorite people. Me.
I really don't mean that to sound obnoxious at all (let's be honest, I berate myself and self-deprecate constantly; it's not all love between me and, well, me), but sometimes I just need a day alone with myself. I geniunely like my time spent alone, and today was the best kind of solitude.

1 comment:

Rachel Buckley said...

I'm so jealous of your friday! It seems we both share a deep love of being alone--and rainy days, for that matter! Love ya!