Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An Odd Little Place

Starkville is a strange place when school is not in session. I don't think I had any idea of this fact before this year, but spending Spring Break 2009 here has clearly hammered the point home.
Before I launch into my diatribe on the metamorphosis of Starkville, let me provide a little background information (you know, for my scores of readers who aren't familiar with Mississippi State, Starkville, and the greater Golden Triangle area... yeah, right). Mississippi State is one of those fairly large universities strategically located in a very small community. This university defines the town of Starkville; therefore, when the students are gone the town loses its identity and is, in turn, a completely different place. I have, of course, been in Starkville during times when school was not in session, but it was usually for a very brief period of time, or I was with a group of friends, so I guess I didn't notice how eerie and unnatural the whole place seemed.
For example, Monday morning it was cold and dreadfully foggy as I walked into work. I could hardly see ten feet in front of me, and I didn't encounter a single living soul until I walked into my office. I was half expecting some Thriller-esque zombie to stagger toward me out of the mist, and I kept my hand on my cellular just in case. I know, I know... me and my active imagination and frequent exaggerations, right? I'm telling you, though; it was weird.
Some of you may be thinking, "Lauren Springer doesn't have any idea what she's talking about. I've stayed in Starkville during a holiday before, and it didn't seem that different to me. It's not like everybody is gone and she's the only person still there."
And, indeed, you would be somewhat correct.
I, too, have stayed in Starkville during holidays before. I worked over Fall Break in October, but I think there were more people still here, for Fall Break was just a long weekend so every single person didn't leave town. In addition, I worked an extra week after exams at Christmas, and the place didn't seem spooky then either. Maybe more people thought they would stay in town longer because they knew they were going to get plenty of time with their families, so why rush home immediately, huh?
Spring Break, however, is different. Almost everyone leaves for Spring Break, even if only going home to spend time with dear ole mom and dad. The people that are left here in town and on campus are, well... a little odd. I can't help but wonder where these unique individuals have been for the past eight months (or the past five years, for that matter), as I know without a doubt that I have never seen them before. Perhaps because of the constant cacophony plaguing the halls and sidewalks of this ecosystem of academia, I've simply never noticed them before. Is it possible that's really it? Have they really been here all along?
All I have to say is it's a good thing I'm beating it out of here tomorrow morning. I've got to work for a little while, but then I'm heading to Destin for a few days of sunshine and fun with some of my favorite people. I've been packing and watching Vicky Cristina Barcelona all night, and I think I'm finally all ready to go. I cannot wait to get there.


Rebecca McKissack said...

starkville is a complete ghost town. i have been there through summers, christmas, spring break... you get my drift.have so much fun at the beach. im jealous :(

Rachel Buckley said...

you should write a book. that's all I have to say...well, that and the fact that I share your beliefs about Starkville--I too have been there during those times.