Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Down in a Hole

So, for the last ten days or so, I've believe I've been a real pain in the ass bit hard to deal with.  I've felt kind of like this:
like I was down in some dark hole without a clue how to hoist myself out.  I don't really know what's been the problem exactly, but I've been in a serious funk, that I know for sure.  I haven't been able to pinpoint this nasty mood to any one problem, but I can narrow it down to a few factors, I think.
First, I have found myself eating practically everything in sight.  For no apparent reason.  I would arrive home from class or work ravenously hungry and begin pilfering through my cabinets and refrigerator like a madwoman.  I would eat like my arm was being controlled by some sort of machinery, and I was apparently powerless to stop it.  I was shoving in food like this:
mindlessly picking at food like this:
and, all of a sudden, it felt like my kitchen looked like this:
I don't know how it happened, but it wasn't pretty.  And it felt miserable.
Besides eating enough to hibernate for the winter, I was having a pretty tough time schoolwork wise.  I felt like my teachers were speaking foreign languages or like I had somehow wandered into the wrong classroom.  I would sit in my chair staring at the powerpoint in front of me with a glazed expression on my face, maniacally checking my phone to see how many minutes of torture were left.  The more my teachers droned on, the more I felt like this:
and I just couldn't seem to get on track, which was not good considering that these last two weeks have most definitely been midterms. 
Duh duh duhhhhhhhhhh...
In addition to the eating and the general lunacy that was class, I felt like I couldn't get a decent night's sleep to save my life.  I would fall asleep feeling like I had been knocked out, like somebody had punched me in the face with this:

but, after a few hours, I would wake up and that would be it.  No more sleepy time.  Therefore, sleep, having to come sometime, would come at the most inopportune time.  It tended to look something like this:
and it was ugly.
Finally, as ridiculous as this may sound, I think the weather has played a big part in my dark cloud over the past days.  My sweet, sleepy little Starkville has ceased looking like this:
and has started to rather eerily resemble this:
It rains all the time these days, and I, for one, have had enough of it.  I never thought I would hear myself say that, for rainy days are usually some of my favorites, but, seriously, enough.  It's not fun rain like this: 
or pretty rain like this:
or even purple rain like this:
It's just rain.  Torrential rain.  Humid rain.  Messy, blowing, muddy, neverending rain.  I think today was the first time in what feels like years that it didn't rain, and it was so great; if it had kept up much longer, I'll would have had to go to school in this:
and walking across the Drill Field would look like this:
Today, however, the clouds started to part, both literally and figuratively, and life started to look like this:
I no longer feel like I want to eat forever, sleep for days, trip people I walk past, throw my professors laptops off a roof, or pull the covers over my head, shutting out the world for an unspecified period of time.  Things are so, so much better, and I'm sure that is making life more pleasant for everyone I come into contact with, as well. 
Finally, in one last happy note, Wex got engaged Friday!  This summer, she and Kyle (who I haven't met yet, but I trust is as wonderful as she says) are going to look like this:
and I can't wait!  Wex, I'm so happy for you and love you sooooo much!  Can't wait to hear all the details as they unfold; the months to come are going to be so much fun!!
As for me, I'm so glad it's Wednesday, as classes are over for the week, work week ends tomorrow, and the weekend will be spent with my favorite hometown crew.  Nothing like wedding festivities to bring the Pats together.
Hope you're all having a great week!!

1 comment:

Rebecca McKissack said...

LOVE that you referred to us as the PATS. love it. and i feel your funk. i go in and out of those and its not fun when youre there. no apparent reason and nothing makes you feel better :( I'm hoping this weekend will cheer you up!