Sunday, October 4, 2009

Time Out for Fun

First off, let me just say that I adore PostSecret.  Do y'all love it as much as I do and look forward to checking the new posts on Sunday?  I really want to go to the event in Birmingham in two weeks, but I really doubt if I'm able to get a ticket.  Anybody in Birmingham (or, even better, a student at UAB) and want to help me out with a ticket?  Anyway, if y'all don't read PostSecret, you should definitely check it out.  I had to show y'all this one because of, well, the obvious.  Mississippi State on PostSecret... very very cool:
This weekend was all kinds of fun.  Not really utterly inappropriate ridiculous fun like last weekend, but fun, fun, fun all the same.  Alex, Amanda, and Wex came to stay with me for the MSU vs. GA Tech game, and we had the most laid back game weekend.  I was so excited to see and get to visit with each of them, especially Alex who I hadn't seen since he moved to the Windy City.  (No offense to you two ladies... I loved seeing y'all, too!)  Here's a few pics from the weekend:
Today, feeling so much better than I did this time last week, still found me laying around and watching movies all day on a rainy Sunday.  I did manage to pull myself together to actually go out of the house and watch a movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed Whip It, starring the cuts-like-a-knife funny Ellen Page.  It was a good time, with a few good laughs.  You may think it looks a little silly ( I mean, roller derby?  really?), but it really is a good time.  Unlike Adventureland, which I watched this afternoon and by which I was wholly underwhelmed.  (I think a large part of that may, I'm not too proud to admit, have a large bit to do with my utter hatred unfailing distaste for Kristen sue me.)
Finally, I wanted to share something dear to my heart with y'all.  I don't know why I haven't shared it before now, for it is truly one of my most prized possessions:  a quilt made out of most of my sorority t-shirts from college.  I wanted a quilt for a long time, but I had a vision in my mind of what I wanted it to look like, and I couldn't find the right person to bring that vision to life.  Until I stumbled upon Andrea (in Michigan, no less) that is.  So, in the middle of July, I boxed up my t-shirts and took a leap of faith, shipping them to Michigan with my mother's nagging helpful words ringing in my ears all the way, telling me that, more than likely, I would never see those shirts again.  Well, Andrea proved her wrong, I daresay.  This little beauty arrived back in my life in mid-August, and to say that I'm obsessed with it would be a gross understatement.  I show it to everyone (even boys... like they care), and I blabber about it constantly.  So, like I said, why in the world have I waited so long to show it to y'all??  Pardon my tardiness, but here it is:

Anyway, tomorrow and Tuesday are fall break for us, but I have to work, so it's only partially fall break for me.  Oh, well, mini breaks are better than no breaks at all, eh?  I'm already getting excited about another crew flocking into my humble abode beginning on Thursday.  The Springer Bed & Breakfast has been quite busy this football season, and I, for one, am loving it.  Hope everyone has a great week!

PS:  I decided one final thing today.  I treated myself to a Starbucks Caramel Apple Cider today (it's the weekend, and smelling them all week nearly made me crazy... don't judge me), and I'm pretty sure that they will be exclusively served in Heaven.  You can drink as many as you want to and never gain a pound because, well, it's Heaven.  Until then, I'm having to severely limit myself, but it's hard to resist them; I swear they're fall in a cup!

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