Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pictures to Prove It

Ah... what a good weekend.  Just the mix I needed, and it was pretty wonderful.  I went home Friday afternoon and spent that night hanging out and talking with my mom.  Saturday was spent doing some errands around Columbus, and I took a trip out to the pumpkin patch in the afternoon.  That night we had Suzy and Tyler's fun stock the bar fiesta, and it was sooooo much fun!  I think everybody had a great time, the food was wonderful, and we (of course) we laughed for hours.  Finally, today was spent talking with my mom, going to a great tea/shower for Suzy, and, after getting back from Columbus, passing the afternoon reading in the sunshine outside of the bookstore. 
Great, great weekend, indeed. 
You don't have to take my word for it, though; I've got the pictures to prove it.

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