Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend Overdrive

If you didn't see me this weekend, consider yourself fortunate.  I had an amazing time, but I was nothing short of a one-lady hurricane.  I ran around barefoot all day in muck and mud until my feet looked like this:
I kept my cell phone permanently attached to my hand, making all kind of phone transactions I didn't need to make.  I thought paper towels were pieces of lettuce.  I had an agenda all my own, and I didn't seem to feel it necessary for anyone else to think it a good idea.  I laughed until I couldn't any more, and then I laughed some more.  I feel pretty certain that lots more happened that just hasn't resurfaced yet.
And Sunday, when I dared open my eyes, I wasn't sure I would ever be able to move my head again in my lifetime.
I think my game day guru summed it up best with this hysterically accurate text he sent me yesterday (seriously, I've laughed about it for two days, and I've told it to everyone):
"I feel like instead of riding the night route, I decided to let it drag me from downtown to the cotton district."
(PS:  Carl, what am I going to do without you if you leave me this weekend?  It's official:  you can't go anywhere.)
Football season 2009 is shaping up to be one for the record books.  I thought football season 2007 was the pinnacle, but this one is already blowing it out of the water.  My apartment will probably look a bomb went off there every weekend, but it is well worth it.  My friends are amazing, and I am so thankful for them (and, on top of everything else, they are absolutely hilarious).
I have a huge, huge midterm tomorrow that I most definitely need to be studying for, but I can't seem to make myself stop laughing and focus.  Apparently, I couldn't slow down long enough this weekend to take many pics, but I'll leave you with a few.  Hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

Rachel Buckley said...

I wish I could have been there to experience you. i'm sure you were hilarious.